Sunday, April 20, 2008

Justin's Adventure to the Doctor...Snip...Snip!

Justin went to the doctor to get a vasectomy this week. Very Uncomfortable for him! He took 2 days off work and I played Nursemaid, ring...ring...So Now we have entered into a new phase of life. I feel kind of sad and wierd. I do LOVE all my babies but knowing that I won't have that amazing experience again of being pregnant and birthing them is something I am working on coping with! I just need to appreciate the WONDERFUL treasure I have in my kids and not discard that by wanting MORE treasure! I am working at it still! I will post a blog for each of my kids, maybe that will help! Anyway, we have now gotten through the initial days of rest for him and he is on his feet again. For a week though it was ME and "4 KIDS" :) Single Mom's have all my empathy!

Justin is now mostly recovered and is bouncing back...he he he...Yes, Pun intended!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Oh welcome to our World! I do know exactly how you feel...It was hard for about 2 months to think about the decision that was just made! Then the emotions subside...and you only feel a ting every once in a while....what bothered me the most was how fast the procedure took...such a life changing choice should take much longer....I hardly had time to open a magazine and he was out ready to go....